Infipact Consulting

Infipact Consulting is a staffing solution for various companies to calibrate their units. We understand the divergence that prevails in various companies. This helps us to understand the competencies needed in a candidate to fill the space.

Our solutions help us to transform the businesses and shape them to face the existing challenges. We bring solutions and serve with dedicated approach to provide technology solutions and services. Our profound insight in staffing resources enable us to help our clients achieve their business goals while we are working to optimize their workforce strategies and mitigate risks.

We bring transparency on the table not only with our business partners but also with our consultants.

Our team at Infipact, as the name suggests is strong and sharp, look for right profession which fits best for candidates and in-turn soars companies hiring scale. We are Headquartered in New Jersey, USA.

Infipact Consulting

Corporate Culture

Our corporate culture and our purpose, vision, mission and values unite our diverse workforce and provide a clear framework and guidance. Our purpose at Infipact is "Establishing strong values”. We want to create value – for our consultants and companies, for our teams and our people. They provide guidance for the behavior and actions of our employees in all our business areas around the world.

Infipact Consulting

Our Purpose

Establishing strong values not only with our partners, team but also with our consultants

Our Mission

We want to serve our customers and the most trusted partner building sustainable values, profitable and high growth in businesses.

Infipact Consulting

Our Vision

We strategize, innovate and lead in our hiring services. Further, building long-term sustainable, profitable and high growth in business by building multiple managed services. TRAIN, HIRE and RETAIN best talent.

Our Values

Inculcate and implant substantial values in our team, partners, and candidates

What We Do

Contigency Recruiting

Contingency is sometimes described as No Win, No Fee (or even No Cure, No Pay). A service rendered recruitment company with no pay until the day a candidate represented by them takes a position with their client. This model best fits for those companies looking to fill on contract and positions with non-exclusive basis.

Infipact has vast resource network and pool of candidates to fill each role. Our recruiters are efficient enough to understand the need of client and candidates with their strong and weak aspects. When you know the right piece of puzzle in hand and know the right place to put it- you will complete the puzzle. We at Infipact believe in completing the puzzle.

Retained Recruiting

Infipact operate on an exclusive basis meaning the job will only be filled through us. Our recruiters work very closely with their client and will take their time and use an agreed methodology to find the best person for the job. The process is usually rigorous. The retained recruiter will be able to present five candidates with the perfect skills, location, salary etc and all the client has to do is pick the one they like the most.

Infipact we ensure that all minds think alike right from our recruiters to the client’s search for perfect fit. We make sure that we understand the need expressed by our clients to do the critical searches and make the right match.

What We Do